Boys Soccer State Finals event and All State meeting info

November 8, 2016

Good afternoon and Happy Friday!

As the season comes to a close, I want to say thank you for all you do for your players, your schools and representing high school soccer in Colorado!    It has been another great season and it’s always exciting come tournament time.   All 3 classifications get after it in the quarterfinals this weekend and with these being the last home games of the year, I encourage you to get out and watch a game if you can!  Semifinals will be mid week (Schedule in the bulletin) and the championship games will be next Saturday at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park with 3A at 10:30, 4A at 1:00 and 5A at 3:30.

I want to personally thank each of you that became a member of our association this year. CHSCA provides great support for coaches and hope you have received your Colorado Coach Magazines. Additionally, a new program called Coach Connect has been started to connect experienced coaches with newer coaches across the state.  Have a look at this link and participate by being a mentor to a new coach or take advantage of the wealth of experience from other Colorado Coaches.


As you know, your CHSCA coaches card will get you into the state playoff games including the finals free of charge.  Also, for those of you that are members and enter with your CHSCA card, I want to invite you to our first ever State Soccer Finals Hospitality event!  CHSCA members will have access to a suite at DSG Park during the finals.  Because this is our first go around and for the need to manage the numbers. I need you to fill out this form by MIDNIGHT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10th if you are able to join us for one, two or all of the games next Saturday.   We will have Pizza, a few snacks and some non alcoholic drinks

CHSCA Members please fill out this form if you are able to come

You will need to sign in at midfield on the west side of the stadium (CHSAA Pass Gate), by showing your pass and then you will be able to come up to the suite.  If you are attending the game with family and friends, we hope you can get away for a few minutes to come up and join us.


Please join us for the All State Meeting on Saturday 11/19 at WRHS at 10:00am.  A reminder that you need to bring the representation from your league and preferably in order of selection for nominations.    We will have a short informational meeting and try to move quickly to our coaches of the year and then our all state selections.  Let me know if you have any questions.    Also, since this is an all state team for the Colorado High School Soccer Coaches Association, you do need to be a member of the organization to have players selected. If you can’t be at the meeting to represent your players, make sure someone from your league makes it and has information about your players.   Membership information can be found at

Thanks again for all you do and if you have any questions, send them my way.

Good luck to all the teams still playing!